En tournée
Charlie Motto

Charlie Motto

Charlie Motto sings a fantastic and danceable pop, both crystalline and touching. Inspired by the lyrical pop of Kate Bush and Caroline Polachek, she captivates us with her head voice and soaring melodies.

Originally from the south of France, Charlie Motto received classical piano and vocal training and honed her skills by recording covers that she adapted to her own style. In parallel with her music studies in 2021, she met Balthazar Picard with whom she began crafting impactful electropop productions that highlight her crystalline head voice.

As a singer-songwriter and performer, she released her debut EP 'Citadelle' on February 8, 2024, offering a glimpse into the intimate world of an introverted young woman. The music is pop-oriented, melodious, sometimes incisive, hybrid, drawing inspiration from polyphony, French chanson, and hyperpop.

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